Contraction Surgery
- Posted by LIS
- Categories Uncategorized
- Date 2020-01-24
By Saskia Dillen
During the last week of January, we started looking at Contractions, with the help from Annie and Moby on BrainPOP Jr. After spending a few lessons discussing this concept, it was time to put this understanding into practice.
After coming in from lunch, students walked in to learn that there had been a terrible Word Accident. They needed to scrub in and help to repair the broken contractions! After hearing their task, it was time to save lives! The doctors were ready and speedily got to work. Putting on surgical masks and gloves, it was time to repair those broken contractions. Although many doctors worked by themselves, several doctors decided to work in operating teams. Each person had 5-8 patients, exposing the PYP 2 Blue Doctors to many different contractions.
Occasionally, a student would call out, “Quick! We need to put the word back together!” This highlighted the fun and effective way that students were able to identify, make and use contractions. Through this hands on activity, students were able to build on their understanding of words change/shorten to make contractions, and how an apostrophe is used to shorten these words. All of our patients are expected to make a speedy recovery!

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