S&A | Helping Out In The Library
- Posted by LIS
- Categories Uncategorized
- Date 2021-02-08
By Amir, Ananya, Kaylee and Nicole
S&A, or more formally known as Service as Action, in simple terms is a way of helping in school or in our community. Service and Action (S&A) in the MYP focuses on the application of learning outside the classroom. S&A activities can vary, from hosting Bake Sales with the profits donated towards an organization to having tutoring sessions for the younger students, these are some of the ways the MYP is able to help benefit the community or school. In MYP 2, it is required to organize at least 2 activities, and meet at least 3 learning outcomes, which are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should acquire by the end of a particular project. The learning outcomes which we met are:
Collaboration – We will need to collaborate with each other in order to plan our activity, collaboration is very important due to the fact that we will need to work together ourselves and with our clients aka teachers.
Challenges and New Skills – Throughout this activity we will be faced with challenges and opportunities to learn new skills. A few examples of challenges we might face could be interacting with the students in the classroom, or organising papers.
Initiative – In order to make the activity successful, each of us will need to take an initiative and help/contribute to the planning and success of the activity.
Our activity consisted of helping Ms Louise in the library, this activity helped the school community by getting new books ready and organised for the library. This activity helped the curious and innovative students in our school to expand their knowledge and curiosity through the resources and books at the library, while also learning and executing new skills and abilities acquired.
We stuck labels and barcodes onto books. We had two ideas before coming to this idea. Our first idea was tutoring, however due to Covid it would have been a bit difficult. Then we had an idea of being teacher assistants still keeping in mind of Covid. As we started to talk more about this idea we thought it would be perfect and all we had left to do was talk to the teachers. This idea started to grow into just helping out at the library because it seemed that not many teachers would need that much help as it was coming to the end of the term in about 2 weeks. We were also debating if we were going to split up for this activity to not spread the virus, we ended up working together while sitting two at one table while social distancing, keeping in mind that there is a global pandemic going on.
Overall, this activity was a positive experience for each member of the group, with Ms. Louise and many others appreciating our efforts.

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