S&A | COVID-19 Comic Blog
- Posted by LIS
- Categories Uncategorized
- Date 2021-02-08
By Jenny Ryu
Definition of S/A
Have you ever heard about ‘S/A’? S/A stands for Service as Action, and it’s basically a project or an activity we students at LIS do in order to help others in the school, in the local community, or even internationally! These projects also help us grow in different ways, make us stronger, and learn about WHO WE ARE. We can do various activities, as long as it meets the learning outcomes and it benefits others.
My Activity
Do you like reading comics? For my S/A activity, I chose to draw a comic about COVID-19 prevention. I don’t know about others, but I personally like reading comics because I love the funny, colorful characters moving dynamically inside the small boxes with their huge speech bubbles filled with humorous jokes and sound effects! I also wanted to try (for the first time) drawing a comic digitally, since I usually drew comics with paper and color pencils. I was definite the activity will be something everyone can enjoy and learn at the same time, each leaving with a happy smile on their face.
The Process
My activity was done from December 25, 2020 until January 25, 2021, a month in total. I mostly carried the activity home, during the winter break, and my last process was in school after the break, when I displayed the comics as planned.
As you know, COVID-19 is a huge international problem these days, not allowing us to live a life like before. Many things changed in just a short period of time, and I know everyone finds themselves missing theie life before the virus because I do too!
I hope the whole world will be safe from covid, and for that to happen, I believe it is important for people to practice the various precautions. So if you have time, you can quickly check out my comic and learn all about COVID-19 precautions, with a little laugh as a bonus (・ω<)!
And finally a big thank-you to all the people who helped me to successfully complete my activity!

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