A Geography Lesson for the PYP
By Tess Maconkai
Hi, my name is Tess and my classmate Jaeliah and I had a really good idea a few weeks ago. We were thinking that many of our MYP 2 class know very little about geography so we thought let’s prevent that from happening to the younger members of our school. Let’s give them a short lesson in geography. Let them learn about each other’s countries and where they come from. This could only benefit them.
We instantly started planning and preparing but we could not carry it out until a few weeks later because of the Coronavirus situation. When we had everything done and had talked to the class teacher Jaeliah and I were ready. We went to the very welcoming PYP 5 blue class. We thought that it would be easier to teach them instead of any of the younger classes because they would have some basic knowledge and they would know how to read and write.
It was a really fun experience being there and seeing how the information slowly crept into their brains without them noticing while they were having fun and working together. We saw how some of the students were genuinely interested in this topic of learning and were wanting to learn more.
A lot of The PYP’s were eager to share their knowledge and what they already knew. They were asking questions and were very curious to find out more.
I was glad to see the pupils of PYP 5 enjoy the activities and games that we had prepared for them. It shows that we spent our time well. We did get a little bit of help from the teacher to calm them down when they were a bit too enthusiastic which was very helpful. When we left the classroom I truly felt like I had taught PYP 5s something useful and that they all, ultimately became much smarter.

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