S&A | Bird Boxes
- Posted by LIS
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- Date 2021-01-11
By Bryn Hankin and Daniele Ripoli
What is S&A?
S and A stands for Service and Action, which is an important part of the MYP program. The idea behind service as action is that students use their learning from the classroom to make a positive difference outside the classroom in the wider school community. We wanted to do something that would appeal to the wider school community which has a beneficial impact on the environment. We chose to make bird boxes at home to sell in order to raise money for the Svenska ornitologiska föreningen or SOF (Swedish Ornithological Society) to help protect birds and also giving people an opportunity to help birds first hand by setting up bird boxes in their own garden.
About Us:
I am Bryn and I come from Britain and I have chosen to do this for my S and A because I live in the countryside and I enjoy the nature and wildlife around me so I decided to make bird boxes for other people to want to enjoy that as well. Another reason why I wanted to do this is because of the current covid situation some people will not be able to go outside and see the great outdoors so by hanging these bird boxes outside of their house they could bring a little bit of nature to them. Also because due to habitat loss birds are losing their homes and a bird box can provide a home for them.
I am Daniele and I wanted birds to have a better time by having some food and a bit of shelter in these bird boxes. These bird boxes have been sold and we hope the bird boxes will stay for a long time so birds can have a better life.
The process of making the bird boxes:
During the process of making these bird boxes we had to use our ATL skills and some maths to do the measurements. We had to do research to find the dimensions and shapes of a bird box, and then we had to cut the wood and assemble them into the bird boxes. We learned that the size of the hole for the bird box was important too. Too big and predators might enter the box and steal the eggs, too small and the birds may not get in and out safely.
Once we had a plan for the bird box and got the wood ready we used our collaboration skills by splitting the task up. I cut the wood and Daniele assembled the boxes. It worked well because we both shared the work and used different skills.