Taking Care of our World
By Amir, Anzhelika, Bara, Leone
This unit, taught by Ms Laura, was named “¡Cuidemos nuestro mundo!”, translating to “Let’s take care of our world!” and focused on how we, as members of society, can take care of the environment. We inquired into tips and ways of saving electricity and water, as well as the importance of recycling. Different aspects of the Spanish language were covered, including both vocabulary and grammar. Some notable vocabulary learnt during the unit includes “medio ambiente” which means environment and “energía” which unsurprisingly means energy. Some of the grammar we learnt was how to use the affirmative imperative and negative imperative to give advise in Spanish. The criteria assessed for this unit were A and D, listening and writing.
During this unit we covered many topics associated with the theme of “taking care of the environment”. Along with investigating our lifestyles and how we might alter them, we learned about different scientific and social innovations. These innovations may function as a way to take care of the planet without exploiting its natural beauty and resources. One such innovation is for example the Economía Circular (Circular economy), which focuses on the reduction of material use, eliminating contamination and the regeneration of natural systems. This idea is based on everybody contributing towards it and requires all of us to reuse, repair, renew and recycle.
As a part of our criterion D assessment, we created a poster designed to raise awareness on the possible ways individuals and societies can help the environment. We started making our poster by gathering our ideas and writing a 200 word text each, which we then combined to make up the different topics of the poster.
Leone wrote about how you can save energy and save money at home, Amir focused on the various applications of saving energy in school and lastly Bara and Anzhelika researched about tips on recycling and how anyone can improve the environment to become a better place.
We then laid out our work accordingly on the poster which we divided into two groups that researched similar topics (Amir and Leone talked about saving energy, Bara and Anzhelika talked about recycling).
The last step of making our poster was designing its aesthetics, which everyone was responsible for. We all took a group decision on the natural aesthetic of it which fits the topic because it is talking about the environment and how it can be improved if we put in enough effort and think before we commit our actions.
Overall, this was a unit that we all enjoyed. We mostly enjoyed the process of the creation of the poster. We learnt a great deal of new vocabulary, and new grammar and went over two case studies during the unit. But, most importantly, we learnt new ways and methods for saving energy and recycling. We hope you are fond of our blog, and let’s take care of our world!