Ukulele Club

Tuesday | 15:00 – 16:00 | 250kr
The ukulele or ukelele is a member of the guitar family of instruments. It generally employs four nylon or gut strings or four courses of strings. It is true that the learning curve for the ukulele is much easier than that of the guitar. Within a few days of practice, you can start making music and playing songs. The tension of the strings is lower on the ukulele, and there are fewer strings to manage, making it easier for beginners to play.
- Care: Ukuleles are wooden & fragile. They need protection against dropping and excessive heat. Young people need to be explicitly taught how to strum the instrument correctly without breaking strings
- Holding: Ukulele is held close to the body by the right forearm. The right hand will strum and the left hand will play notes and chords.
- Strumming: Fingernails of the first and second fingers on the right hand or the right-hand thumb are used to strum. Members can use a felt pick, but it is preferable that they use their fingers.
- Playing Notes: Strings must be pressed all the way to fingerboard. Members will complain about fingers hurting at first. Explain they’ll develop callouses aka tough fingertips.
Instructor: Tanja
Activity Information
- Duration 15:00 - 16:00
- Skills Music
- Class Size 12
- Grade PYP 4-5
- Available Seats
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