MYP Subjects at LIS
By Chiara Coccia and Yasin Taha
The MYP subjects that are studied at LIS are, Science, Drama, Physical education (P.E), French and Spanish (Spench), Maths, Individuals and societies (Indsoc), Language and literature, (LangLit), Swedish, Art and Design. The subjects we will talk about are Drama, Science, P.E and Maths.
Drama is a subject that is only taught throughout one term during the year. Normally, music is taught in the MYP for one term. While the lower MYP, MYP 1 and 2 are learning music, the upper MYP, 3-5 learn art, the other classes learn drama. In the second term of the year, they switch. Under normal circumstances, music is taught in the MYP rather than drama. Since drama is about theatre and acting, we are currently rehearsing a play called “The boy who cried werewolf”. We are doing this play in two groups which means that some people play as two characters in the play. We also learn about different types of stages, stage positioning and more. In my opinion, Drama is one of the best subjects. It is very interesting and it is a nice class.
Science is an important subject. Chemistry, biology and physics are taught in science. Throughout the year, four units are taught in Science. MYP 1 is the first year that includes Science as an official subject. Safety is a consideration taken seriously in Science. Certain experiments have more strict safety considerations such as experiments involving candles or fire. So far in MYP 1 Science, we have been taught how to carry out a scientific investigation (Unit 1).
Our second unit was states of matter, part of chemistry. Our current unit is the third unit which is simply just basic biology where we are learning about specialised cells and microscopes. Our summative assessments so far for units 1-2 have been to carry out a scientific investigation. The summative assessment for Unit 3 will be to research microscopes and their importance. Personally, Science is a very interesting and important subject. It is also quite new considering the fact that it wasn’t taught in the PYP.
Maths is an important subject where five units are taught throughout the year at the end of each unit we have a summative assessment, the summative assessment is about all the stuff you covered throughout the unit, math is a really important subject I think that math is a great subject and it is very important, in MYP 1-2 you will have one teacher and then in MYP 3-5 another. They are great teachers and will do anything to give you the best education possible.
P.E is an important subject, the summative assessment is about all the stuff covered throughout the year. P.E is important because exercise is good for your body and your health, the P.E teacher also teaches maths and makes PE a very enjoyable lesson.